3 Quotes & Sayings By Cameron Trost

Cameron Trost is a Canadian-born author who holds a BA in English from the University of Calgary, and an MFA in Creative Writing from Utah State University. He now lives in Pemberton, British Columbia, with his wife and young son.

Even if I had convict ancestry, I wouldn’t be ashamed of it. As far as I’m concerned, the real criminals back in those days weren’t twelve-year-old boys nicking a loaf of bread or a pair of socks to ward off hunger and blisters. No, it was those who exploited them; keeping the battler in the gutter while they sat around in their manors, sipping tea and admiring portraits of their toffee-nosed great grandfathers. Cameron Trost
I don’t know what else to say."" There is nothing else to say. A few minutes of words can’t change years of absurdity. Cameron Trost